hello and welcome to my site. i'm elly, aka soapbubbleseal.
my interests include lolita fashion, early 2000s electronics and gaming, and japanese collector dolls and model kits.
i created this website to document my interests and activities ^^ thank you for reading!

2025/03/24 - updated lolita wardrobe page
i was able to buy meta hospitality doll blouse for a pretty reasonable price this morning! i'm still kind of in shock, haha.
2025/03/23 - added lolita coordinates page
added a page where i can post about my lolita coords when there's not really enough to write about it for a full blog post.
2025/03/22 - updated diary
new diary entry up! this one's kinda long, i did a lot this week.
2025/03/18 - updated lolita wardrobe page
deleting several items that i listed for sale on mercari. i'm really excited to start selling on there, as i haven't had the best experience on lacemarket (honestly, i'm too old and mean to hold newbie buyers' hand when they don't understand things like brand measurements or the online buying process sellers aren't expected to jump through hoops like that for every sale here)
2025/03/16 - updated lolita wardrobe page
added black jewelry jelly socks i just bought on mercari! edit: the same seller just listed the white ones, so i bought those too lol
2025/03/14 - updated diary
added my first diary entry, all about my first week in japan. i also updated lolita wardrobe page to add a couple of items i've picked up so far.
2025/03/04 - updated lolita wardrobe page
i'm sooooo normal about jewelry jelly i picked up the special set JSK and some hair accessories from a lacemarket seller veeery last minute. i leave for japan tomorrow morning, so my husband is going to have to receive that package and send it to me. but jewelry jelly is worth it......
i'm really excited to get my hands on the special set JSK! it was the last main piece i wanted from this series, and it seems pretty hard to come by. i don't usually go for black colorways of sweet prints tbh, but i already had the socks from this set, and i can't recall even seeing any other colorways of this jsk for sale in my time as a lolita.
i'd also say that i'm at the point where i have a one-in-one-out policy on main pieces. 90 feels like a lot already, and for the moment, there's nothing i want to get rid of. so i'd say my closet is now full, with the exception of some incredibly obscure late 00s solid AP pieces (if i could ever find those anyway).
2025/02/26 - updated lolita wardrobe page
removed a bunch of sold items, cleaned up file names, and added a super cute handmade skirt i bought on rakuma recently.
i have my one-way flight to japan in a week! i've packed up my lolita wardrobe, really looking forward to wearing it when the weather warms back up. it was way too cold for that in january bc i didn't bring any of my velvet pieces ;__; i see a lot of alt fashion ppl hanging around at the big station in my city, that's gonna be me soon too haha.
2025/02/17 - updated lolita wardrobe page
added AP rider's parka! i'm so happy i found it... funnily enough, this is the second time that i've been able to snag one of the items i said i still wanted in my old wishlist spotlight page, since writing it.
2025/02/13 - updated stationery page
added some newly scanned stationery! angelic pretty and alba rosa letter sets, and some egg branded memo journal pages.
2025/02/11 - updated lolita wardrobe page
i finally got the horoscope twin star kittens otks, i've been looking for them since october 2022! i took a bunch of photos for lolibrary today before packing up the remainder of my wardrobe for my final move, so i also updated the pics for those items here as well. that's my last batch of photos in this hallway of this house... i'm not sure if i'll be annoyed by my future garment photo backgrounds being different from now on, but we'll see heheh.
2025/02/04 - updated lolita wardrobe page
added a couple things i bought, and deleted items i sold/plan to sell. i'm back in the US for a few weeks to tie up loose ends, and packing the remainder of my lolita wardrobe is helping me to decide to sell more items.
i'm glad i can just take them to closet child soon instead of dealing with the hassle of selling online ε-(´∀`; ) i'm sure it'll be less money, but it's worth it to never deal with lacemarket buyers again lol
2025/01/30 - updated lolita wardrobe page
finally added a couple of secondhand items i got recently! i made my first few purchases on my very own yahoo auctions/fril/mercari accounts this month! kinda exciting after like 2 decades of going through shopping services. i also finallyyy got my hands on the roco-pigmins cardigan, after searching for months and even have a previous purchase fall through.
2025/01/02 - updated homepage
my sweet friend strawberryreverie made two icons for me, i love them and ofc had to run over here to put them up immediately (๑>◡<๑)
sorry for the lack of updates btw! i have been really busy here in japan, setting up and organizing my house. but so far i also had time to go to an aquarium, an arcade, do some thrifting, go to a doll show, and get my hair done (touching up the chemical relaxer on my bangs/roots). i'm considering adding a diary page here, so i can share what's been going on. i used to put that sort of thing on my instagram stories, but i guess i don't really enjoy using instagram much anymore tbh.
later this week, i'm going to a museum, and next week i'll be going to my favorite aquarium on my birthday. there's an illumination at the nearby botanical garden, so i'll hit that up after nightfall as well.
2025/01/02 - updated lolita wardrobe page
happy new year, everyone! hope you had a restful holiday. i'm leaving to go set up my house in japan in a matter of days; i'm anxious but also really looking forward to it!
i bought one last lolita piece before moving, a late 90s btssb skirt i'd had my eye on for a while. the seller finally dropped the price, and my shopping service gave me a big coupon for new years, so i pounced on it heheh. this will be the first lolita item i'm having sent to my new house! pretty cool. i also ordered a secondhand alba rosa sweater for everyday wear, and an alba rosa couch cushion that'll go to the house as well.
2024/12/26 - updated stationery page
happy holidays everyone! hope you all had a good christmas or first day of hanukkah, or just a nice relaxing wednesday. christmas is my favorite holiday; we didn't do much for it this year since i'm leaving to set up the house in japan very soon. but, for everyone here online, i uploaded some super cute mamegoma stationery with a sparkly winter theme.
i also updated lolita wardrobe again! forgot to put it in the last one because i was still loopy from being sick, but i finally got meta's jewel butterfly socks after two years of searching. i'm really happy about that, and there's not many more items i need to complete full sets of all my main pieces.
2024/12/23 - updated lolita wardrobe page
removed a few items whose sales fell through, and added two purchased ones. i will get back to uploading stationery soon-- i've been sick for the past week T___T
2024/12/16 - updated lolita wardrobe page
removed a lot of sold items, and added two purchased ones.
2024/12/15 - updated stationery page
since creating the stationery page, i've added a hallmark letter set, and two planners from korean stationery company orange story.
2024/12/14 - added stationery page and more
a fairly extensive update this time! i added a page documenting scanned stationery- there's 3 sets to start, and many more to come as i scan them and add them to the site. also added a few lolita wardrobe updates and edited my about me page somewhat.
2024/11/30 - updated my side site, angels' archive.
i scanned three angelic pretty catalogs from the early 2000s, drawn by shop staff at the carina e arlequin select shop in utsunomiya. the new ones are winter 2005, summer 2006, and autumn 2006. enjoy!
2024/11/30 - updated lolita wardrobe page
added a shirley temple skirt that i picked up secondhand recently.
2024/11/24 - added an about me page!
all the elly facts u never asked for
2024/11/22 - updated lolita wardrobe
removed more items from closet cleaning, and added a dress and barrette i bought on xianyu. i'm downsizing a lot because my move is coming pretty soon. i have to be packed by the end of december... the major change is hitting me hard lately, and even though i'm excited for our new life, it's bittersweet too. it's been a difficult and stressful process, but hopefully worth it.
2024/11/20- updated lolita spotlights page
added a post about going through my old lolita wishlist pieces, rating them, and sharing my thoughts.
2024/11/18 - updated lolita wardrobe
removed quite a few pieces that i decided to sell. i've been procrastinating on closet cleaning my accessories, because i find it super tedious to list a lot of small items for sale. i may bundle these by color and sell them in lots ^^;
i also did a lot of sitewide cleanup, fixing links, making formatting consistent, and tidying some of the folder structures on the various pages.
finally, i updated my side page angels' archive, i just realized that the index page has been a messed up placeholder all this time T___T it's working now, and you can browse the hand drawn AP catalogs!
2024/11/17 - updated pokemon
it's the anniversary of pokemon sun and moon's release! i wrote a blog post about my popplio collection as well as some thoughts on that generation. i also finally filled in the collection gallery a bit, moved it to its own separate page, and updated the main pokemon page with a section to link my blog posts.
2024/11/16 - updated lolita wardrobe
removed a bunch of items that i sold (or put up for sale), added one, and shuffled some items by color. i also added two blouses i already had, but dyed in different colors recently. maybe at some point, i will write a spotlight page on that type of small DIY change i like to make on my clothes.
2024/11/03 - updated lolita wardrobe
i added a single hair clip lol. i also updated the graphics on the whole site layout recently-- changed the bows to hibiscus flowers, i feel like this suits the overall aesthetic a bit better!
2024/11/03 - updated lolita wardrobe
added a recently purchased dress that i'm super excited about, the sax blue royal fizz jsk by angelic pretty. i recently learned how to use xianyu (or at least stumble through the desktop version of the site), and have landed a few old school finds that i'm overjoyed to add to my closet.
2024/11/03 - updated home page
added a "lolibrary contributor" bannner with a link to lolibrary, and an angelic pretty bannner with a link to their site. i found the AP banner and the associated instructions on their site via wayback machine, and thought it would be cute to use here.

2024/11/03 - updated lolita wardrobe
added lolibrary links, official names, and release years to all legwear. maybe someday i will do this for all my hair accessories too, but i am not strong enough right now, lol.
2024/10/31 - updated lolita wardrobe
just deleted some sold items and added a couple of new accessories i bought recently :) happy halloween, everyone!
2024/10/26- quite a lot of updates this time!
i have changed my domain and username, shuffled this index page a bit and added some 88x31 banners, and updated my lolita spotlights page with some writing on medical themes in lolita fashion. i also added one item and did some layout adjustments on lolita wardrobe.
2024/10/20- updated lolita wardrobe.
added some items i got in japan; i spent the end of september and beginning of october there. i got sick almost as soon as i returned to the states, so i'm just now updating ^^; i didn't do much shopping in japan this time, i was mostly there to get some immigration and real estate paperwork out of the way. i'm closing on my house next week, and will be spending all of january over there getting things ready! only a few months left living in america, i'm happy about that.
2024/09/13- updated lolita wardrobe.
i have finally finished documenting every single current item in my lolita fashion wardrobe!
2024/09/12- updated lolita wardrobe.
i took several high resolution photos of older tops and main pieces today! my wardrobe items remain the same, but some have nice new photos now. i'm also continuing to document accessories.
2024/09/10- updated lolita wardrobe.
i am starting to add jewelry/non-hair accessories! just pink so far, but i will continue as time goes on.
2024/09/08- updated lolita wardrobe.
finally updated sections to add all my hair accessories and socks. i am dreading adding jewelry ^^;
2024/09/07- updated lolita wardrobe.
i restructured my wardrobe quite a bit lately, acquired some dream items and sold quite a few pieces.
2024/08/16- created walkie bits database.
first update in a while, but it's a big one! i created a database for all releases of takara tomy's robotic walkie bits turtle toys from the mid 2000s. it's still somewhat under construction as i uncover more images and information.
2024/07/16- updated lolita wardrobe.
deleted items i put up for sale, and added some recent purchases.
2024/07/16- updated lolita wardrobe.
i managed to get my hands on a secondhand metamorphose name of guardian OP after i just mentioned wanting to buy it. it always seems like once i speak an ISO into the world, it always shows up for me soon after. many thanks to the comm member who gave me a heads up on the listing ♡ i'm really excited for the little nurse set that metamorphose just announced, too!
2024/07/13-added the lolita spotlights page!
there is currently one spotlight: my wardrobe data. check it out if you want to read my autistic ramblings about numbers and small details about the things i like :) also did some cleanup of pages, moving images around and correcting some links and page titles.
lately i am selling off a lot of my more modern poly chiffon prints, and focusing on lightweight old school basics. recently i am realizing that i prefer more daily wearable type pieces, so even though i love the prints' artwork, there's no point in owning a whole garment that i won't often wear. so instead, i am focusing on trying to collect promotional novelty items featuring the key artwork from prints, and often selling the associated main piece. if anyone sees angelic pretty's jewel marine washi tape and/or stickers, please let me know! that's my number one ISO at the moment.
i have also been getting back into medical and nurse themed items, collecting a lot of the old metamorphose hospitality doll accessories (not yet featured on my wardrobe page), and hopefully getting the hospitality doll or engelsbeginn main piece to go with it. i love medical themes, and hope to add more to my wardrobe in the future. speaking of my aforementioned novelties search, i was excited to nab a few of the angelic pretty fancy hospital promotional items lately-- but i will definitely be keeping my fancy hospital jsk! it's one of my prized lolita pieces.
2024/07/05- big change! angelsealcat is now palmtreeseal! i wanted a username that reflects my personal aesthetic a bit more. i think the new domain has more of a tropical, summery vibe that suits my style :)
2024/05/22- updated lolita fashion wardrobe, started to add the novelties section.
2024/05/21- updated lolita fashion wardrobe, added a couple of purchased items.
2024/05/17- updated lolita fashion wardrobe to add mascot bags section.
2024/05/15- updated lolita fashion wardrobe to add outerwear section.
2024/05/11- added sylvanian families page. updated lolita fashion wardrobeto add purchased items, removed sold items.
2024/05/03- updated lolita fashion wardrobe to add a few purchased items
2024/04/26- updated lolita fashion wardrobe to delete a sold item
2024/04/24- updated lolita fashion wardrobe-- took nicer photos of some older pieces
2024/04/22- updated lolita fashion wardrobe-- added tops
2024/04/21- updated lolita fashion wardrobe-- changed image size, removed sold items, and added recent purchases (ap fancy paper dolls jsk, ap flower kitten jsk, ap sweetie violet jsk, metamorphose shirring jsk)
2024/04/16- updated lolita fashion wardrobe-- added three recently purchased items (btssb cutsew op, angelic pretty sleeping deep sea stars jsk, metamorphose jewel butterfly high waist jsk)
2024/04/10- updated lolita fashion wardrobe-- removed sold items, added a new purchase, and added lolibrary links for all garments where available.
2024/04/07- updated lolita fashion wardrobe with some self introduction and background of my wearing lolita.
2024/04/04- updated lolita fashion wardrobe and minidisc gallery
added more minidiscs and a new btssb jsk i bought recently :)2024/04/02- updated lolita fashion wardrobe
only main pieces for now2024/03/31- added minidisc gallery
i am currently very jetlagged having come back from japan a few days ago. please enjoy this gallery i made out of sleep deprivation and boredom. more to come ^^additional minor update: added title tags on mouseover to gallery images in angels' archive.