time traveling in a zip file
i've seen a lot of blog posts and videos out there on this premise, and it always seems like a lot of fun to me. my style has changed a lot over the years, from really punky, to all mint choco, to hyper sweet 2010s, to more casual old school, and a lot in between. however sometimes i try to go back and buy pieces that i remember wanting (or had but regret selling) in my early days of lolita too, so not everything i liked in the past is totally past for me haha.
i pulled this wishlist from a .zip archive of my facebook account i deleted in 2015, so these are items i wanted around 9 years ago. i would have wishlisted some of them earlier than that though, because i started the account in 2011.
i'll use the standard S-A-B-C-D tiers to rank each item.
i pulled this wishlist from a .zip archive of my facebook account i deleted in 2015, so these are items i wanted around 9 years ago. i would have wishlisted some of them earlier than that though, because i started the account in 2011.
i'll use the standard S-A-B-C-D tiers to rank each item.
i had originally made these little dividers and then reordered the album accordingly, but the old order is lost to time due to the way the folder got archived. however i still think the design is cute so i'll still share them here lol.

emily temple cute chocolatier print sleeveless op
hey i don't know what the fuck i was even thinking adding this to my wishlist! a lot of stuff here, even if i don't want it anymore, i see the appeal or remember why i wanted it. this one just looks kind of bad to me. i can also just tell by looking at it, that that shade of yellow would be absolutely rancid with my skintone (pale olive).
rating: F- tier
sorry no, absolutely not.
rating: F- tier
sorry no, absolutely not.

chocolate/sweets skirts
i figured i'd lump these together because they're the same type of item, and would all fulfill the same role in a wardrobe. i wore a lot of AP's chocolate jacquard prints at the time, so it makes sense that i wanted more. i was working in a constantly-cold tech office back then, so i had and wanted a lot of thick pieces like the jacquards. the melty chocolate emblem skirt is still super cute imo, but not for me. i like a lot of the casual wear that AP put out in the late 2000s and early 2010s. i also still really like the assorted cookie skirt because i have a soft spot for older applique pieces. i'd love to get an applique skirt from either AP or baby at some point, but not this theme.
i did actually get the honey cake skirt within a year or two of this wishlist, in both yellow and green. i wore both of them so often that i was sick of looking at them by the time i sold them lol.
rating: D tier
none of these are particularly my style these days.
i did actually get the honey cake skirt within a year or two of this wishlist, in both yellow and green. i wore both of them so often that i was sick of looking at them by the time i sold them lol.
rating: D tier
none of these are particularly my style these days.

chocolate accessories
i mentioned in passing in my post about medical themes that i had a mint choco/baked goods print phase, kinda weird because i'm not all that crazy about cakes, donuts, or chocolate in real life. (i'll fuck up some tous les jours honeydew sweet bread though)
i lumped these together like the skirts because they're fairly similar, and most of these were wishlisted to go with main pieces i already had in my wardrobe at the time. they weren't items i really wanted for the sake of these specific individual items.
rating: D tier
i don't care about this theme anymore and no longer have the main pieces they would've gone to.
i lumped these together like the skirts because they're fairly similar, and most of these were wishlisted to go with main pieces i already had in my wardrobe at the time. they weren't items i really wanted for the sake of these specific individual items.
rating: D tier
i don't care about this theme anymore and no longer have the main pieces they would've gone to.

ap chocolate outerwear
as with the thick jacquard skirts, i also relied heavily on these type of ap parkas and cardigans when i worked in a cold office 5 days a week. i had a few same/similar ones in other colorways etc, and just wanted more of them for daily wear.
rating: D tier
i no longer need or want these items.
rating: D tier
i no longer need or want these items.

melty ribbon chocolate collar jsk
this one's iconic; i still think the AP chocolate jacquards are so timeless and pretty. not something i would still wear, but still like this design quite a bit. these releases also always make me think of the holidays, since AP used to release them around that time.
rating: C tier
it's nice, but not something i would wear.
rating: C tier
it's nice, but not something i would wear.

milky planet accessories
at one point, i had milky planet skirts in sax, pink, and yellow. i was way into uchuu kei when that was a thing, as well as super sweet AP, so milky planet was 100% my thing for a while. so of course, i was looking for all the accessories to go with those pieces.
i don't know if i made myself sick of it, or i'm just getting old or what, but i now feel like this print is kinda goofy when i look at it. it reminds me of little kids' birthday party decorations. 😅
i sold my milky planet skirts years ago by now. i do love that phone charm though, i miss brand novelties. i also enjoy collecting phone charms and keychains in general, so i'd still get that just to display.
rating: C tier
more like goofy planet idk.
i don't know if i made myself sick of it, or i'm just getting old or what, but i now feel like this print is kinda goofy when i look at it. it reminds me of little kids' birthday party decorations. 😅
i sold my milky planet skirts years ago by now. i do love that phone charm though, i miss brand novelties. i also enjoy collecting phone charms and keychains in general, so i'd still get that just to display.
rating: C tier
more like goofy planet idk.

dreaming macaron skirt & otks
i had this skirt in mint, and i used to wear it a lot. i don't really remember why i wanted the yellow. i guess because the pink colorway of this print leans very warm/salmony which looks gross with my skintone, and i don't really wear a lot of black × pastel prints. i sold the mint a long time ago, i did buy it again recently but sold it soon after. the theme doesn't really appeal to me anymore, nor do the red accents in the print. it is pretty iconic AP though.
rating: C tier
not my thing anymore.
rating: C tier
not my thing anymore.

sugar hearts jsk
ohhhh sugar hearts... i still adore this print, especially this colorway, but none of the released cuts have ever been particularly flattering on me. i've had similar cut dresses (dream marine, for one) and they just look awful on me. my figure kinda drowns in them, my waist gets lost, and i end up looking like a bath poof with limbs. i had the miniskirt in this colorway and loved it, but it was too short for me to really be comfortable wearing it.
i got the re-release sugar hearts in white this year, but sold it because i guess it doesn't quite fit in with the rest of my wardrobe these days. i considered picking up the sax re-release skirt, but i don't like that type of layered skirt tbh.
rating: B tier
love the print and color palette, but the garments cuts don't work for me personally
i got the re-release sugar hearts in white this year, but sold it because i guess it doesn't quite fit in with the rest of my wardrobe these days. i considered picking up the sax re-release skirt, but i don't like that type of layered skirt tbh.
rating: B tier
love the print and color palette, but the garments cuts don't work for me personally

sweetie violet skirt
this is another piece that i did eventually get, and wore so much i got sick of it. i actually had this in navy, pink, and lavender. i got the jsk in mint at one point, but the super short bodice looked awful on me, and there wasn't much i could do about it. i still love this print, especially the color palettes used. the skirt is a bit too casual for me these days-- i'm at the point where if i want to wear lolita, i'll wear lolita, and if i want to wear casual clothes, i'll wear casual clothes.
rating: B tier
another AP release where i like the print but not the garment cuts. two nickles, weird that it happened twice, etc.
rating: B tier
another AP release where i like the print but not the garment cuts. two nickles, weird that it happened twice, etc.

pastel outerwears
assorted cutsews/knit cardigans from sweet brands. i love layering in lolita, would definitely still wear these, but tbh i probably have too much outerwear as it is lol. probably wouldn't wear the darker lavender sweater after all, it's veering a bit too far into purple territory for my taste (i like lavender but hate purple, weird i know lol)
i like the mint one best out of the three, although i do feel like i already have some better and more interesting mint outerwear in my current wardrobe.
rating: B tier
i'd still wear two of these, but not go out of my way to buy them.
i like the mint one best out of the three, although i do feel like i already have some better and more interesting mint outerwear in my current wardrobe.
rating: B tier
i'd still wear two of these, but not go out of my way to buy them.

metamorphose thumbelina skirt
another one in my weird "i love lavender but hate purple" zone lol. i actually had this piece way back in the day, so it's very nostalgic. i believe it was the second or third brand lolita piece i ever acquired-- got it in a meta lucky pack for christmas 2007. i did manage to get my hands on one pretty recently, but ended up selling it because i struggled to style it, given those darker purple accents. i could really only coord it with white or more lavender, which got boring real fast.
rating: B tier
nostalgic, makes me smile, don't need to own it.
rating: B tier
nostalgic, makes me smile, don't need to own it.

pastel accessories and otks
not really sure why i had the sugary pony socks on here, except maybe for the colorway? i actually really dislike horses, so i don't wear any prints with horses/unicorns/etc on it lol. but the rest of these, i like. don't really need the socks, i don't have much that match the lavender ones, and i already have the mint colorway of those toy parade ones.
i've always loved the amo castle series, i have both pieces in sax but wouldn't mind getting the pink ones if i found them for a reasonable price. i keep seeing that present box necklace on mercari, and have considered picking it up. i have a major weak spot for AP's sparkly acrylics.
rating: A- tier
would still wear most of these, don't really want them enough to seek out.
i've always loved the amo castle series, i have both pieces in sax but wouldn't mind getting the pink ones if i found them for a reasonable price. i keep seeing that present box necklace on mercari, and have considered picking it up. i have a major weak spot for AP's sparkly acrylics.
rating: A- tier
would still wear most of these, don't really want them enough to seek out.

jewelry jelly headbow
jewelry jelly is one of my all time favorite prints, and i do have this mint headbow (and the matching OP) by now. i think i wanted this to go with the mint jewelry jelly skirt at the time, which tbh i would kill to have now lol. i am actually looking for this headbow in both lavender and pink these days, to match some current wardrobe pieces.
rating: A tier
love this, have this, want it in other colors.
rating: A tier
love this, have this, want it in other colors.

ap garter bloomers
i've always found these bloomers really cute and charming. i don't really need another pair of pink bloomers, but i would grab them in a re-release or if found secondhand for a good price.
rating: A tier
these are way cute, wouldn't mind picking them up.
rating: A tier
these are way cute, wouldn't mind picking them up.

twinkle mermaid skirt
another print of all time. i actually managed to get the JSK from this series earlier this year, and it's now one of my top 5 favorite pieces in my wardrobe. honestly i would love to have this skirt too, if i can find it for a reasonable price.
rating: S tier
perfect garment no notes
rating: S tier
perfect garment no notes

soap bubbles skirt
i love this series. in fact my username is at least partially homage to it (as well as cleancore in general). this skirt is another piece that, while i did not get the exact one, i got another piece in the series. honestly, this cut of skirt would probably look awful on me, as my hips are a lot wider than my waist. i'd probably feel really uncomfortable wearing it. so i'm glad AP did the re-release, and i got my hands on the sax jsk. (also love that they did the multicolor ruffles on all colorways this time around.)
i wouldn't mind getting the original mint jsk and pink × mint cutsew as well, although it'd be a long shot finding them for a decent price.
rating: S tier
this one's real good
i wouldn't mind getting the original mint jsk and pink × mint cutsew as well, although it'd be a long shot finding them for a decent price.
rating: S tier
this one's real good

pink devil wings belt
i still want this so bad!! i check for it periodically, but have yet to find this colorway. i love angel/devil themes. i did acquire this belt in black, but sadly the vinyl on the wings is peeling a little. still super cute, and even though it's technically a gyaru piece, it accents my lolita dresses in a cute and flattering way.
rating: S tier
cute.. hope i find it in all pink someday
rating: S tier
cute.. hope i find it in all pink someday

ap pastel rider jackets
i'd love to get one of these still, i managed to get the pink cutsew rider parka for a while, but sold it because i wasn't crazy about the colorway. i wish i hadn't sold it, but even more than that, i wish i could find the mint one. about 2 years ago, i lost an auction for it by $2 and it still haunts me lmao.
rating: S tier
the one that got away......
rating: S tier
the one that got away......

twinkle ornament skirt
i loooove twinkle ornament, baby!!! i'm by no means religious, but christmas is my favorite holiday just because i love cute festive things and glitter. (and mints, and snowmen, and string lights, and ornaments, and....) i still really want this skirt a lot. i did gat the ivory one eventually, but sold it because i found the ivory/gold a bit hard to coord. this mint × pink colorway is just perfect.
rating: S tier
santa, colonel sanders, magic christmas seal, unspecified deity, whoever's out there, bring me this for christmas blease
rating: S tier
santa, colonel sanders, magic christmas seal, unspecified deity, whoever's out there, bring me this for christmas blease

first of all sorry this ran so long!!! overall, while my style has changed, i think i still like a lot of what i was fond of before. sometimes i feel like i don't have a cute enough personality for pastel clothes, because i can be kind of blunt, cynical, high strung or whatever. maybe inside i don't really fit the image of someone who wears a lot of cutesy stuff.
so then i try to force myself into other aesthetics that i end up leaving after a while. seems like i need to just let myself like what i like, and not worry about whether it really matches the way i talk and act. i love cool tones and light calming colors, so probably i'll stick with my blue-green-hint-of-pink palette in some form forever.
thanks for reading, and stay colorful~ ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
so then i try to force myself into other aesthetics that i end up leaving after a while. seems like i need to just let myself like what i like, and not worry about whether it really matches the way i talk and act. i love cool tones and light calming colors, so probably i'll stick with my blue-green-hint-of-pink palette in some form forever.
thanks for reading, and stay colorful~ ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭